Samantha Burnell
Licensed Massage Therapist, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Counselor, Life Coach
I have been tracking my wonder and interest in the deep beauty of human beings since I was a child. I resonate with all the pain and the beauty that is part of being alive. I am amazed by both the delicacy and the the strength of the human spirit. I use this deep reverence in the healing work that I do.
I am a bodyworker, a craniosacral therapist, mother and a counselor. I use all of these skills in the work that I do. Some people come to my office for just one of these modalities. In some sessions, I use all of them. No matter which modality or skill I am engaging in, I offer true caring and keen interest in all the the ways you became you. I believe that we are all born perfect and just need a hand to find our way back to the vast brilliance that we are equipped with. I can help you find your way back to your true self.. In your body, your heart, your spirit.
Trainings and Experience
20 years of involvement and participation in the Re-evaluation Co-counseling community of the Bay Area..
A life long love and participation of many kinds of dance. All the sore muscles and injuries that go along with this much physical work.
A year long counseling training with Steve Bearman. 2000
200 hour yoga teacher training at the Omega Institute 2001
700 hour massage training at Kripalu and The Massage School of Easthampton.
3 year mentorship training with advanced bodyworker Jody Nishman.
2.5 year Biodynamic Craniosacral intensive with Michael Dunning of the Yew Institute.
Interchange Counseling Institute Counseling Intensive in California.. 2015-2016.
Developing and co-teaching Sacred Rage workshops for women.
Co-teaching Peer Counseling series and day long workshops.
Many short trainings in various kinds of bodywork and counseling. Thai, Breema, Reiki, cadaver anatomy.
10.5 years of mothering twins.
16 years of bodywork experience. 9 years in private practice.
I take my work seriously, I am honored to be doing it, and I hope to deepen my work for as long as I am able.
I live in the deep woods outside of Northampton with my two children, two goldfish and two rascally cats.