
            Can you relate to any of these?

  • You want to fell less overwhelmed, anxious, insecure. 

  • You know you have so much potential and you want to stop getting in your own way.

  • You want to feel more comfortable being yourself.

  • You want better relationships that are real and meaningful

  • You want to better understand your emotions.

  • You want more balance between work, play and rest. 

  • You want to be more present and mindful. 

  • You want to stop second-guessing your decisions and thoughts. 

If any of these apply to you, I can help and I’d love to offer you my support. 


My work is shaped by my values and beliefs. 

Emotion oriented- I honor the deep emotional process of being human. I am gentle but fierce when need be. 

Experimental- I like to be creative and try unusual approaches. I try to work in ways that get under the day-to-day patterns.

Hopeful- I believe in you and your inherent wisdom. I believe that change is possible. I believe in magic and love.

Informed- I am constantly studying matters of the heart and psyche. I am and have been doing my own work to become free and bold for decades. It’s working. 

Empathetic and sensitive- because I have been deeply involved in my own healing, I can walk with you into the depths of despair and out again. 

I work in 60 minute sessions. I charge $90- 150 sliding scale per session and do not take insurance. In the beginning of our work together, I prefer to work weekly so that the work can gain momentum but I am open to other arrangements.

Call me for a consultation. 413-824-2870